Complaint Policy & Positive Feedback

RWR Real Estate aims to make it easy for you to bring any positive feedback or complaints to our attention.

We always welcome positive feedback for a job well done but if you have unfortunately had a negative experience, we want to hear that too!

Positive Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience! If you could please fill out the attached form, we will then include this information into our testimonials and marketing.

Negative Feedback/Complaint Policy

You should first raise your issue with the agent, representative or property manager who is handling your business.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can make a complaint to us by:

Property Selling/Buying

  • Telephone: 0409 923 112 and ask to speak to Mark Robinson
  • Email:
  • Fill out the complaint form attached

Please provide as much detail as possible about your complaint, including the outcome you would like.

How we will handle your complaint

Mark will oversee the complaints process.  They are responsible for working with you and relevant staff, to ensure that the issues you raise are fully examined and that your complaint is handled in accordance with this process.

We will treat the process, and all the details of your complaint, in strict confidence.

We will always give you a fair opportunity to explain your case. You should make your initial complaint as clear as possible. Sometimes we may want to meet you in person to discuss your concerns and try and find a satisfactory solution.

How long will it take?

We will try and resolve your complaint as soon as possible. However, how long this takes will depend on the nature and complexity of the issues you have raised.

Will we send you acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint within two business days.

What action will we take in response to your complaint?

If we decide that your complaint is justified, we will then decide what action we should take in response. We will always try to match our response to the nature of your complaint and your desired outcome, but this may not always be possible.

Some of the things we might do include:

  • take steps to rectify the problem or issue you have raised
  • give you additional information or advice so you can understand what happened or how we have dealt with it
  • take steps to change our policies or procedures if your complaint identifies a problem in the way we are doing things.